It is now the 3rd of August and school will soon be starting. My son and I visited PSU and UConn. We will go on vacation to the lake in August, taking our pontoon boat and staying near the water. I'm looking forward to getting back to school. See you August 29!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Post 2 from Thing 2

I am a bit overwhelmed with the Web 2.0 at this point. It seems very daunting. As I become more comfortable, I think it will be a valuable tool to add to my "learning toolbox".

After reading the articles, I can see that it opens many opportunities. For instance, when it talked about teachers posting what their topics of discussion (i.e. - genetics) would be, I can see how that would allow me to piggyback on that topic in my class. Because we don't have time to dialogue with other teachers, blogging would allow me more interaction with fellow teachers.

Also, I liked the point made that we as educators need to help our students learn how to streamline the information they are reading and gathering. Since our students are in a"word" world (i.e. - texting), we must become a part of that in order to be able to guide them in the right direction. Besides, the teaching can be a two-way street as our students help us to learn the technological world.

Task 1

The most challenging "habit" will be #6 - Use of technology to your advantage. It seems as if using technology requires large blocks of uninterrupted time and then, immediate use of the new learning. I don't often have large blocks of time. Then, after I try something new, it is often days or weeks until I can try it again. (Prime example - this is the first time I have revisited the course since we started on July 27 and it's summer vacation! What will it be like during the school year when it is even more hectic?)

The easiest "habit" for me will be #2 - accept responsibility for your own learning. Since I have "taken the plunge" to do this Web 2.0, I know I will complete it as I don't like to leave things unfinished. However, it might not be at the pace everyone else is able to work.

The most important habit(s) will be #5 - create your own learning toolbox and #7 1/2 - Play.
I think once I am comfortable with my new learning, this will be a great tool to use. As for the play, I just need to do more of that in many ways.